Monthly Women’s Sober Meet up
Hi there,
Just a note to let you all now that the location and date of the breakfasts has been changed. I was finding it so difficult to juggle Saturday sports, lifts and everything else.
We will now meet on the first Sunday of the month at Flawsome Cafe in Mudjimba - Thee is an inside section if it rains and the food is amazing. I will book a table for the next one in April and we can go from there.

Sunshine Coast Book Launch
Breakfast Book Launch with Victoria Vanstone
Please join me for a morning of yummy food and lots of laughs to celebrate my new book release!
"Mumming: A Year of Trying (and failing) to Be A Better Parent" is out on the 1st of May and I would love to share this exciting event with you!
It's on Thursday the 8th of MAY - at 9.30am
Breakfast/Tea/Coffee Included in the price.
$50.00 per person
5448 2053 or info@anniesbooks.com.au